>> between lightness and depth. <<

For me, photography means…

„Make visible what, without you,
might perhaps never have been seen.“

Life is there to celebrate it together,
to embrace together and create together.

My photography is about giving you
the sacred space to enjoy yourself &
life purely, to see yourself as I do.
Unique and magical.
I give you my care, my understanding &
a certain intimacy is needed for this.

When I photograph…

I don’t just want to show a picture,
I want to show a person with a path &
the pure being. I want to show life and love.
Life is not only beautiful and heavenly,
life is sometimes even damn hard and painful &
your scars make you,
they show that you live and learn, that you grow.



I love to bring in the elements for my shootings


I got 34 tattoos
on my body

Fave books

The alchemist & untamed